Virtual Support for Pregnancy and Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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So much has changed in such a short time.

It’s safe to say that the majority of people are floundering a bit. We’re trying to juggle work (if we’re able to still work), kids at home, less fresh air and social interaction - and of course, on top of that, EXTREME emotions and thoughts. We are on a rollercoaster.

For pregnant folks and those that have just had a baby, who those experiences in and of themselves are a rollercoaster, have now been thrown on the Leviathan (that’s the tallest and fastest rollercoaster, at Canada’s Wonderland. I have not and will not be every riding it in reality.).

Doula support - both birth and postpartum - as well as Childbirth Education, and initial consults, has all moved to virtual support. That means texts, phone calls and Facetime/Skype sessions.

Kindercare Pediatrics and The Breastfeeding Collective are also offering virtual support via Ontario Telehealth Network, as well as emergency in person appointments, in the clinic. If you’re experiencing feeding difficulties please reach out to them to book your appointment.

We’re still there for you. It’s not “normal” or how it should be. But nothing is right now, and our unwavering support continues. We are here for you to help navigate it all. ❤️

For an evidence based update on Covid-19 and pregnancy, birth and babies, check out this webinar replay by Evidence Based Birth.