Virtual Support - Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding

Join Kate Sissons, Doula, Childbirth Educator, Lactation Consultant and Movement Expert. We’ll meet online, using Google Meet.

Not only is Kate an experienced lactation consultant & birth professional she's also helped hundreds of parents just like you navigate the world (and their very valid anxieties) of birth and parenting. Plus, she’s recently walked this journey, once more, with baby number 3.

Benefits of Virtual Care

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Prenatal Preparation

Set your mind, body and home up for the best start! We’ll chat through all the knowledge and all the kit you’ll want to have on had. You can send us a message any time, whilst pregnant or with your newborn, if you’ve booked pre and post support.

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Quick Response Time

Have a question? No need to wait for your visit. Send a message and expect a response 2-5 hours - or a touch more, if you’ve sent a message during those overnight hours.

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Ongoing Access to Care

It takes time to fully absorb and apply new information. One visit isn’t enough to get things to an ideal state, which is why our support extends for 2 weeks.

Support Options

Pre & Post


Set yourself up for the best start! Learn the key information prenatally and then apply it postpartum, with ongoing support.

  • 1.5 hours prenatal preparation class

  • 1 hour initial postpartum virtual call

  • Follow up contact for 2 weeks - including messaging, phone and virtual calls



Maximize and improve your breastfeeding and infant feeding journey, from day 1 or day 100, and beyond!

  • 1 hour initial postpartum virtual call

  • Follow up contact for 2 weeks - including messaging, phone and virtual calls

*HST will be added at time of payment.

Need more info or a phone call before you commit? We’re always happy to answer any of your questions, big or small. Give us a shout!

“Both my husband and I were very happy with the post-natal support received from Kate after the birth of our twins. She was a helpful resource not only with breast feeding but also with pumping and eventually weaning. She is very responsive, kind and gentle and it made us feel calmer throughout the entire experience knowing she was a call or text away! She always had great advice and would definitely recommend Kate to anyone looking for support!”

-Amy, Toronto